Saturday, June 9, 2012

Testing by Fire.....

This is the very worst job the farm has to offer.  We were wet, cold and yet our spirits were high.  If you make it past this and still want work here you are "In" and "As Good As Gold."

The only worse job on the farm is probably cleaning out the chicken house, but even that is not near as large a project.

This crew was dedicated, fun, and just plain strong.  I'm the one that wavered at 10:30 when I insisted we break for hot cocoa with lots of whipping cream. 

This is a small picture of the field we smoked through.  You only get a small window to get this done before the weeds start taking over and it's time to move on to more pressing issues.  My window is in between the frsot-hardy plants being planted (end of April) and the not frost-hardy plants being planted (middle of May).
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